August 27, 2010

Strength Training for Endurance

Today I started a strength training program designed to help improve my endurance. I've never really done strength training before, other than a few push ups and sit ups here and there. So this is new for me. I tried to find somewhere online that would provide workout routines and would teach me the proper form. After some research I settled on TrainWithMeOnline. After an initial consultation with the online coach, I decided to start with a basic body weight program intended to build an initial overall base.

Today I started with the Body Weight Work Out #1. I figured I'd blow through it pretty quick and then I could move on to some REAL strength training. Was I wrong! The first group of exercises included a Standing Free Squat, Push Ups, Ab Crunch, and a Side Plank. I had no problem with the Standing Free Squat and the Ab Crunch, but I struggled with the Push Ups and the Side Plank. The exercises made it clear that I am weak in my chest, triceps, and my obliques. I kept track of the number of reps I was able to do for each so I can watch my strength improve over time. I only completed two of three circuits before going on to the next group of exercises. Once I am able to complete all the exercises with the full number of reps and with proper form, I will add a third circuit.

Next I went on the to second group of exercises which included the Plank Superman, Double Leg Drops, Scissors, and Cross Overs. Whoever invented the Plank Superman is a sick puppy. I was only able to do two of them before rolling over on my back for a nap. I didn't do much better on the rest of the exercises. I was only able to complete about 10 of each. This second set of exercises highlighted the weakness I have in my lower abs. I didn't do a second circuit because I was unable to complete the first circuit while maintaining good form.

What did I learn today? I am glad I decided to start this strength training program. I can see from my results today that I need to improve strength in my chest and lower abs. I plan to continue with the program each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, alternating each day between the Body Weight Workout #1, #2, and #3. Good thing Monday isn't for a few days!

What do you do to strength train for endurance?


  1. This is something I've been thinking about lately as well. I eventually came to the conclusion that I'm going to focus solely on my running for now (while the weather is bearable) and use the coldest winter months to dedicate to my strength training with just a little running mixed in for good measure.

    I had not heard of TrainWithMeOnline before and went the P90X route last winter since everyone seems to rave about it. After literally throwing up just 30 minutes into the first workout (P90X is NO JOKE), I eventually grew to enjoy the challenge and although I didn't stick to the diet plan, I saw some pretty significant results. I timed it so that I finished exactly one week before my wedding / honeymoon and I definitely had a little extra pep in my step while I was strutting down the beaches of the Mayan Riviera...well, as much as a skinny guy like me can strut anyway :)

  2. I do CrossFit 2-3 times a week as a part of my training routing as well as 1 weekly workout of focused Olympic lifting. Developing and maintaining a strong core and all-around fitness definitely helps with my running.

  3. I do TRX Suspension Training. (Bodyweight Training on steroids)


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