August 23, 2010

Week 5: I'm A Loser!

This morning my wife called me a loser. Normally that would bother me. However, THIS time she was referring to my weight loss. Yes, I lost 1.6 lbs over the last week! Yea baby!!! That makes it a total of 13.3 lbs lost (about 27%) since I set my weight loss goal. I am pretty stoked about my progress!

I was originally losing weight too fast. But I seem to have been able to slow the process and I am staying within the 2 lbs per week average recommended by Weight Watchers. The major change I made two weeks ago was to start consuming the calories that I burned during exercise. When I first started, I ignored the points earned through exercise, and as a result, I was losing too much too quickly. But I think I have it dialed in now. I want to stay as close to the 2 lbs per week as I can. I realize as I get closer to my goal weight that taking off the pounds will become more difficult. So I will take what I can get for now and stop complaining!

I still have one concern about my weight loss. I wrote in my Symptoms of Overtraining post that I am concerned about losing weight and training at the same time. Right now I am struggling with fatigue, restless sleep, irritability, and a loss of enthusiasm toward my training. But I believe this is the result of overtraining, not because of losing weight. As a result, I have temporarily stopped my training until the symptoms subside.

That's it for now.

I never thought I'd be proud to be called a loser!


  1. Hey man - a big congratulations on the progress you've made this far! You've been consistently meeting your fitness and health-related goals ever since I started following your blog and that's WAY more than a lot of other people can claim, so needless to say, a pat on the back is definitely in order.

    As for staying motivated, I can totally relate. As you know, I've been battling a nagging injury that has kept me sidelined for a couple of weeks and I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself, "Perhaps that's an omen. Perhaps I'm just not cut out to be a runner and I should quit kidding myself and pull the plug."

    What keeps me going however, and I recall seeing it posted on YOUR BLOG a week or so ago, was the quote you posted about overcoming mental setbacks. I'm having difficulty finding it at the moment, but after reading it, I recall thinking to myself that it really does almost ALWAYS come back to "mind over matter". If you truly want something bad enough, you'll do what it takes to get it.

    Rock on and keep up the great work man. We're cheering for you.

  2. Congrats on your weight loss so far! That's fantastic! I did weight watchers as well (lost 134 pounds and just ran my first marathon). You're right to be eating your workout points - your body needs that fuel to keep training as hard as you are.

    I hear you on the blanace between training and losing weight - I struggled with that as well when I was's a tough balance but it sounds like you're managing it well.

    The best advice I can give you from my past experience is listen to your body (easier said then done!) and track how what you eat affects your training - find those foods that help you perform at your best and note when and how you eat. :)

    Good luck! I'm cheering for you!

  3. Congrats on your weight loss progress. That's outstanding!

    You are wise questioning weight loss and training.I did that for my first marathon. It was an utter failure on both accounts. Maybe as your target race gets closer, dial down your weight loss so you are closer to 1/2 to 1 lb per week for a while. You need to make sure you are adequately fueled - especially come race day.


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