November 23, 2010

My Running Buddy

Today I started Week 2 of my half-marathon training program. Since my mileage is back down to shorter runs during the week and the weather has been so cool, I decided to add some company to my run--my Labradoodle, Tucker!

Tucker absolutely loves the trail. However, he has a tough time getting there. He gets so excited on the 2 mile drive from my house to the Far Gate trail head at Northshore Trail that he almost has a heart attack. He just can't help himself!

When we arrived at the trail today he jumped out of the Jeep ready to run. We decided to run the trail until we reached Grapevine Lake. Then we stopped so he could get a drink. After a 5 minute rest and a little splashing about, we turned around and headed back up the trail to the Jeep. He loved every minute of it, as did I. 
He is so good on the trail. He stays about 10 feet in front of me and stops (frequently) to let me catch up. He didn't seem to have any problems with the three mile run today. 

I plan to continue taking him on my runs during weekdays (my shorter runs) so that he can get into shape, just like I am. I don't think I will take him on my weekend long runs because the traffic on the trail can increase significantly on the weekend and I don't want him to get hurt by a mountain biker or another dog. So for now, I'll just take him out during the week.


  1. Tucker is adorable! What a great running buddy...and he is photogenic, too. If I got a running buggy, my pug could be my running buddy.


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