November 28, 2010

L-Five Trail Run Report (20 Miles)

I had the pleasure today of trail running with Steve Barlow and Kay Scott, both fellow members of the North Texas Trail Runners. I ran with them about a month ago and enjoyed the company both times.

For most of the run I just tucked in behind them and tried to stay up. They spent most of the run today talking about their Ironman training. I have a lot of respect for people that train for multiple disciplines. I am just trying to get good at one!

Steve and Kay ahead of me on a sandy part of the Northshore Trail.
My run was excellent, the longest since I started my Three In Three Challenge, and a big mental and confidence booster for my next milestone race.

Length: 20 miles in just over 4 hours

My training plan called for a six mile run today. However, I sorta had the idea in my head that I wanted to try to run the entire trail, about 20 miles in total. Once I hooked up with Steve and Kay we headed toward Far Gate. I had planned to see how I felt after the initial trip out and back before determining if I would keep running. When we returned to MADD, I felt great and decided to keep running.

By this time my GPS showed about 10.5 miles (I had run a couple of warm-up miles before heading to Far Gate). I was feeling great. So I decided to run toward Rockledge Park until I reached almost five miles and then look for a connection to the return loop of the trail. Kay joined me for part of the run and then left to head back to MADD (she is running a Dallas White Rock Marathon next weekend and is supposed to be tapering!).

After almost five miles I made the switch over to the return loop and headed back toward the MADD shelter. When I arrived, my watch said 19.98 miles. No way I was stopping .02 away from my 20 mile goal. So I turned around and ran about 15 steps back the way I had just come until my GPS clicked over to 20 miles. Then, turned around again and walked back to the MADD shelter.

I did it! 20 miles! The longest run since I started my Three In Three Challenge!
Limbs: Excellent!

On my run today I was very careful throughout to protect my calf muscles. I have struggled with calf muscle strains on many of my previous runs. I finally figured out that the strains were due to running to fast, and/or pushing too hard up the inclines. So I was sure to take it easy on the hills today. As a result, I didn't have any calf muscle problems. Ya baby!

I will say that by the end of my run my legs were getting a little tired, but not on the flats, only on the inclines. I  felt like I could have run the flats for a couple more hours. As a matter of fact, when I reached the 19 mile mark, I decided to pick up the pace for the last hour, and I ended up running faster the last mile than any other mile through the entire run (10:41 mpm pace).

But as I said, my legs didn't have the strength they had earlier when it came to the inclines. I just didn't have the steam left in them to continue running up the hills. So I walked up the hills. I've clearly identified an area that I need to improve. More on that in another post.

One of the small inclines I had to climb near the end of my run.
Lungs: Excellent

As I wrote last week, I am still impressed with the way my lungs have healed from quitting smoking. I am no longer coughing during my runs, at least not to a degree where I notice it. I still think the cooler weather is helping with my breathing. But I also realize losing the excess weight and just a general improvement in my fitness also helps. As was the case last week, I didn't feel like I was out of breath at any point during the run. It's all good.

Laughs: Excellent

I can't put into words how excited I am about my progress. My run today was a major mental and confidence booster. The idea that I can step out the door and run 20 miles is rather amazing to me. When I think back six months, I couldn't run a half mile without throwing up on the side of the trail. But that has all changed. As a result, I am excited to get out there on every run and don't want to stop once I get going. I'm loving it!

Learning: Fueling 

I was a little concerned when I started my run today about fueling. I really haven't run long enough previously to have to worry about it too much. I've focused primarily in the past on hydration. But I have the hydration thing down pretty well now, so my energy has shifted to fueling (with gels and solids).

I didn't eat any breakfast this morning, but instead, gobbled down a PowerBar about 30 minutes before leaving for the trail. My plan was to alternate eating a PowerBar and an eGel about every 4 miles. I took my first eGel at the end of mile one, a PowerBar at five miles, another eGel at nine miles, and so on and so forth. When I completed my run I took one last eGel to aid in recovery.

The process worked well. I didn't feel hungry or bloated. I didn't have any digestion issues. And best of all, I didn't bonk! I had energy the entire time. I've heard about "the wall" that marathoners hit around the 18 mile mark. I didn't experience any wall today. Not mentally or physically. So I must have done something right, or just got lucky!

I realize that the fueling thing gets more complicated as the miles increase, but overall, I was very happy with my fueling results today.

Next Week:

The following outlines my training plan for next week:
  • Monday: REST!
  • Tuesday: 3 miles
  • Wednesday: 3 miles
  • Thursday: 3 miles
  • Friday: Strength
  • Saturday: Hill work
  • Sunday: 7 miles (yea, right!)
For the distance runners out there, do you remember when you ran your first 20 miler? What did it feel like for you?


  1. Congrats! Confidence boosters like that are priceless in your training. They are so motivating.

    My first 20 miler wasn't so fun. I was completely drained at the end and the last couple miles were a slog fest. I was off the pace and my legs wanted to cramp. I had only planned on doing the Eugene Marathon and then stick to half marathons and that first 20 miler cemented that thought. I had no idea how I was going to go another 6.2 miles after that and it made me really nervous.

    Fast Forward to the marathon - I went out to fast and didn't eat/drink enough (it took me a looooong time to figure out nutrition that my stomach would accept) and my legs cramped at mile 18. I ended up walking more than I wanted to because of the cramps and as I was walking around mile 22, I made the decision to do another and do it right.

    Now, the training for my second marathon was a blast and I LOVED the 21 & 22 milers I did for that one. I think it was because I'd changed my outlook on long runs and started to treat them more like adventures. I feel exactly like you do now about running. It's so empowering to know that your legs can carry you where you need/want to go in this world and it opens up a world of possibilities. Especially after being spud. (I'm training for my 3rd marathon now and plan to do a 50K next year too).

    I look forward to reading about your journey into Ultras!

  2. Congratulations. Twenty miles is a huge milestone!

  3. great to see you out there....I didn't realized how far you have come!


  4. Try this workout to strengthen youself for hills:

  5. Top work. Sounds like you are progressing really well towards hitting your Ultra goal. Great site too! Look forward to reading your updates...



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