November 15, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Over the last three months I've gone through a slow and often painful recovery from plantar fasciitis. I've been following the tips for treating plantar fasciitis and I can say that it seems to have worked. I am at a point now that I can walk in the morning without pain. I've also done a few test runs over the last couple of weeks and my foot seems to hold up OK. I am not at the point where I am ready to start training again but I do think its time to reestablishing a training base.

I am going to keep things real simple for the rest of the year. Since I haven't been running consistently, the first order of business is to get running consistently! So for the rest of the year I am going to focus on getting back out on the trail on a regular schedule. Initially I will run Tues/Wed/Thurs and then one day on the weekend. I will add the Sunday recovery run once my long runs get up to about 20 miles. Once I am consistently back above 35 mile per week base I will pick my next race and start training for it.

Of course, my real simple plan is all dependent on how my foot responds. I will dial back the miles very quickly should I start to experience pain in my foot again. I am in no rush to complete my ultramarathon goal. I am making a lifestyle change and I don't want to do anything that would affect my ability to run long term.

Patience, patience, patience.


  1. yes Patience for sure! sorry to hear its been so rough...but sounds like you have an excellent plan for building base back up!

  2. Well done! Just make sure you drop one of the consecutive days an.y week if you get a niggle


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