March 19, 2012

Excuses, excuses

That is all I really have... excuses, excuses. I would like to think of them as reasons... reasons why I haven't been blogging regularly, reasons I haven't been running regularly, reasons I haven't been eating properly, reasons, reasons. But if I am being honest, they are only excuses.

Why is it much easier to be undisciplined? Why does crap food taste better than good food? Why does it feel better to rest than to exercise? Does it ever get to the point where it is easier to make the right decisions? Does it every become natural to want to eat well and run for mile after mile? Or am I doomed to a never ending cycle of good days and bad. Of good months and bad. Of good years and bad.

I don't know of an easy solution. I just know that I am happier when I know I am making good decisions. So why do I do these destructive things to myself? Why do I make these bad decisions? It is my undisciplined self winning over me. It is my undisciplined self that is making me do the things I do not want to do.

So I can either let my undisciplined self continue to rule over me or I can take a stand, slay the monster and get back on my course. I realize the choice is solely mine, I just need to make the decision who I want to be--the default undisciplined self or the self that rises above, to accomplish that which is beyond my normal reach.

The only thing achieved in life without effort is failure.

I will shut up now and go for a run.


  1. I don't have the answer either. Still struggling as I pack my gear and get back on the training horse. All we can do is pick ourselves up, dust off and start over again.

  2. Hi Thomas. I often find that small specific goals provide focus to the bigger goals. If I'm rolling through a four month training cycle I generally have weekly goals as well. I may decide to eat a vegetable at every meal for a week, the idea is not so much health but because it keeps me focused on my goal(s) three times a day. Another favorite goal-set requires ten minutes of situps and pushups before the tv or computer can be turned on. Constant challenges keep the mind and body sharp. Best of luck with your journey.

  3. You are awesome! How about that??? A real person. Your blog post roles through my mind every single day. It really is mind over matter isn't it? You really have to want it. Thanks for all of your encouragement.

  4. I wondered what had happenened to you as I lost touch with your blogs and tweets.Not sure if its injury and/or your training routine that has slipped.Iam 57 and began training for my first ultra last year. I have now run 4 with my next one in two weeks (54k, 10,000 feet elevation gain).Its easy for us all to slip in our training. My advice is to take it easy and don't beat yourself up. Just go out and run every other day, be it 10k or more. I noticed in your previous schedule you had lots of back to backs, which can be quite waring. I think the key is consistency (and one long run per week).I am no expert and wish you well but it does take a lot of self discipline.As they say in France, 'Bon courage'


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