March 25, 2012


I am finally over my little pity party and I am back to training. I went to the grocery store this morning and stocked up on fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, basically what I was eating while I was on the Paleo Diet for Athletes. And I went out for a short trail run this morning, more of a jog actually, just to get things moving again. I will start working on building my foundation next week. It's all about getting back into the habit. It's about discipline. 

For those that know the Northshore Trail, following is a picture from the crossing near the concrete bridge. Usually you can step on a couple of rocks to cross this creak. But today I but it was knee high, the result of some heavy rains over the last week or so. 

I also stopped by what was previously known as Little Pete's and the parking lot is partially flooded there also. 

The stone you see in the middle of the picture is actually the top of a fountain. The fountain sits a little higher than waist high when you walk by it. 
That's it for now. No more pity parties. Back to training. Back to discipline. Just hope my body holds up this time around.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and disciplined?


  1. Congrats for the re-start. Personally, having a programme keeps me motivated. I can't just 'wing it'. It doesn't matter whether I have a specific goal, but without something that says, "You will run Xkm on this day," I find myself procrastinating.
    Stick at it. You already know it's worth it.

  2. I've got to admit that I have to mix it up a bit to stay in the "motivated" camp. Having an upcoming race or event is certainly a motivation, but there are times when simply doing something different (some type of cross-training) accomplishes the task as well.

    I personally love to run, but there are times when I'm just not "in the mood" for a run...yet a bike ride in the neighborhood, or a swim at the pool sounds like fun. After doing that for a day and sometimes two or three, I'm anxious to get back to running.

    Of course it helps that I look forward to my workouts as a time that I can just be alone and with my thoughts, enjoying the outdoors and being active.

    Glad to that your are hitting the reset button, and moving forward again !

  3. Hang in there! Discipline is the hardest part.


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