September 20, 2010

Restarting Strength Training (W1D1)

About three weeks back I wrote about starting a strength training program. Unfortunately, my effort only lasted two days. This was around the same time that I was struggling with overtraining. So I abandoned the program.

However, I know strength and core training are important for endurance running and for long term health in general. So I've hit the big reset button and started my strength training program again.

Today I started day one of a beginner strength and conditioning program. The problem has three workouts per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and continues for 12 weeks. After the 12 weeks you can either repeat the program, or move on to a 12 week intermediate program. I am using an online training site that helps me to keep track of the workouts and also provides videos and detailed instructions to coach me through how to perform each workout properly.

This program uses some gym equipment, so I am performing the exercises at my local community center, which we already have a family membership. I liked going to the gym to perform the exercises. Being there gave me some additional motivation to stay focused and to complete the exercises as intended. I printed out the details before I left so I would have all the information with me. I think the training site also provides mobile access, but I haven't tried that yet.

Anyway, I completed Week 1, Workout 1 and felt great! I worked my lower and upper body and my core. We'll see how I feel about it tomorrow!

I will post more updates as I work through the program.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to keep up with it all. I had to give up my gym membership due to finances and am slowly working back to weights myself using the p90x workouts. Leg workouts make a big difference, but trying to find the right time is tough! Good Luck!


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