November 4, 2010

Not Ready

My calf muscle was feeling OK this morning so I decided to give it a test on the treadmill. I was only able to go about a mile at a very slow pace before it started hurting again. I'm clearly not ready to hit the trails yet.

I will give it a couple more days of the RICE treatment and then try the treadmill test again. If I can run a few miles without any issues on Saturday, I'll try a trail run on Sunday. Otherwise, I'll keep on resting it. Need to get it healed for my upcoming milestone race.

In hindsight, I think I know the root cause of my injury this time... going too fast. I was feeling great when I started my run on Tuesday, and as a result, I pushed my pace. I think my head and my heart are further along in my training than my body! So I will slow my pace back to what I know my body can handle and focus on gradually increasing my distance.

The speed will come later.

Have you experienced set backs in your training? If so, how did you deal with them?


  1. I'm suffering my first major setback right now! I started feeling lower leg pain after a half-marathon I ran in Sept. I rested for about a week, but then started running short "recovery" type runs after that. I figured that the persistent lower-leg pain was a hangover from the half (shin splints), so I kept running. At first, it was only short 3K's, then 5K's, and then a 7K last weekend, and that was it. I couldn't walk the following day, ended up in the hospital, and now I'm hobbling around on crutches with what appears to be a torn ligament in my ankle/lower-leg region.

    I'm not sure how to handle it other than RICE (as you say)! So, I'll be watching here for advice.

    Good luck in your recovery!

  2. Sometimes the body wants what the body wants and it screams a little!! Slow and steady increases for sure and I've learned that sometimes pushing both pace and mileage at the same can be problematic. R.I.C.E and take it easy!!

  3. Indi--great advice. I initially started my journey focused on gradually improving distance. But somehow, pace became an obsession. I am quickly realizing, in my case, that speed kills! So I am going to slow back down and resume my focus on distance (endurance). Seed will come later.

  4. I feel so late the the party! I am just now discovering your blog. I've had a lot of setbacks in my training, including not participating in my first full marathon this fall in Chicago. I just keep at it. When it will be my time, it will be my time.

  5. I am the same way. I focus on distance as well as speed just tends to break me. My lower leg has been super tight since the half last sunday, I've realized especially with trail running at the start distance is more important and speed will come as time goes by and legs are stronger. Take care.I'm off to ice as well!

  6. daretobecome, I also trained for but did not participate in my first marathon. But I think I had a good reason!

  7. Hey Trail Jogger - A friend of mine has had success with compression calf/shin leg sleeves like the Zensah's when managing calf tweaks. If there is no swelling, I have had success (I think :) ) with using heat on tweaked areas as well.

    Good luck with your journey. Hope to see you out at Rockledge. I will add you to my site's list of regional ultra blogs as well.

  8. Hi David. Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is one of my favorites! I loved the video on stopping the slosh in hydration packs... tried it and it worked great!

    I don't have any swelling, and I'm ready to try just about anything! I hate sitting on the sidelines, would rather be out there running. I will give the compression sleeves a try. I've heard similar advice from others. Time to act on it.

    As for the Rockledge Rumble, I will be there rain or shine and complete the 15K even if I need to crawl the course! Not gonna let a little leg pain stop me from achieving my first milestone race!!!

    Take care!


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