July 31, 2010

Mountain Biking and The Long Run

Yesterday was a rest day in my training plan. However, I received an email from a friend inviting me to go mountain biking. Can't turn that down! Today was supposed to be a cross-training day, so I just switched the days around--I went mountain biking yesterday for my cross-training and will rest today.

We started at the MADD shelter and road our bikes south-east for about 30 minutes. We stopped occasionally along the trail for quick breaks and to chat a little bit. Here's a pic of my friend, John, at an overlook along the Northshore Trail. You can see Lake Grapevine in the background over his right shoulder. Beautiful spot here.

John on the Northshore Trail

Anyway, after this pic we crossed over to the return trail and headed back. I really enjoyed riding with another person on the trail. I usually run or ride along. It was nice to have the company.

My Sunday Long Runs

Tomorrow is the first day I will start my weekly long runs. I remember from my previous training that the long run is the most important part of endurance training. It tears you down so you can build up stronger. It teaches you how to continue when tired. You learn how to eat and drink and to refuel your body. Running long stimulates physiological adaptations that you just can't generate elsewhere. So I am excited about starting my long runs again.

That's it for now. If you have any advice on how to maximize the positive effects of my long runs, please leave me a comment!


  1. Looks like you had a good go of biking. Cool. As far as long runs, don't hesitate to walk if necessary to refuel, etc.. Going the distance is what counts in the end. Best wishes tomorrow on your long run. To maximize the positive effects? lol. HYDRATE< HYDRATE< Experiment.

  2. Great meeting you on the trail run on Saturday. I'm cross training as well between mountain biking and trail running. You should come out and join our group for some rides with the North Texas Outdoors MeetUp group.



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