March 24, 2011

Face Plant

There is an old saying... "It's not a matter of if--it's a matter of when." That saying applies to just about anyhing, including face plants! I had my first today while running along the Northshore trail. My Blackberry fell out of my hydration vest and as I reached to try to catch it I took my eyes off the trail and tripped over a tree root. Down I went!

I layed there face down in the dirt for a a few seconds, not really believing what had just happened. One moment I was zipping along enjoying an absolutely fantastic run in the woods. The next, I was brushing dirt off my forehead! That wasn't in the plan for my run today!

I pulled myself up off the ground and ran a quick "systems" check. No pain. Nothing broken. Still conscious. That's good! Small cuts on my hands and arms. Otherwise, good to go. I picked up my Blackberry, stuffed it back into my hydration vest, and resumed my run.

That was the first time I've fallen since I started my Three In Three Challenge. And I am pretty sure I got off lucky this time. I've heard many stories of people getting injured because of a fall. Fortunately for me, I just happened to fall at a sandy, rock-free section of the trail. So no damage. No problem. Anywhere else on this trail and I might have had a really bad day!

Anyway, my run yesterday and today were both excellent. My energy has returned and I feel like I am able to return to my training schedule. I have some big miles planned for this weekend, so hopefully I will be able to finish out the week strong (and stay on my feet!).

Would love to hear from others about your face plant experiences (so I don't feel so bad!). Leave a comment and share your story! If you haven't had one yet, just remember... is not a matter of if...   : )


  1. A few years ago after I had started running for a few months, I managed to stop looking at where I was running and tripped... only it was the lip of a sidewalk square and the landing surface was the concrete sidewalk. I was only about 5 minutes into my run and almost gave up.

    Then, I asked myself, if it had happened 1/2 or 2/3 into my run, I'd have continued my run and finished it. So why am I giving up now? I turned right back around and finished out that run. I had a few scrapes and bruises, but I could lift my head up high knowing I didn't give up.

  2. A concrete face plant. OMG! Good for you for keeping going!

  3. I was running while my daughter was biking next to me. The sidewalk just jumped up and grabbed my shoe! I fell forward and miraculously twisted my body to land on my hands and then shoulder rolled onto the grass. Thank goodness for the mother's watching the girls field hockey practice across the street! They came to my rescue! I walked home, cleaned myself up and headed back out!

  4. Mine is also a story about a concrete face plant, like the other two commenters, which is kind of funny because this is a blog about trail running.

    I was running along the busiest street in the town where I live (not my favorite place, but it was dark already and this street has the most streetlights. Safety first, I thought.)

    I came in front of the Sam's club gas station right where everyone fills up their cars, with nothing better to do than watch me run by, and promptly fall flat on my face. It took me by such surprise that I just hopped right back up and ran even faster. Looking back I'm sure it was because I didn't want any well-meaning citizen to come over and ask if I was okay.

    Nothing hurt but a little dignity.

  5. Beans--I guess that was another benefit of my trail run face plant today... nobody around to see it!!! Dignity still intact!

  6. I managed to step on the cattle dog’s leash, which had the effect of pulling her to the ground directly in front of me. Then my other foot went forward tripping over the cattle dog. I then fell to the sidewalk on hands and knees…managing to avoid my big brown dog. The cattle dog then wanted to bite the other dog with me in between (her reaction to all is anger :-)! I finally got us all untangled, got up, looked around to see if anyone was home in the neighborhood…put my head down and ran on! You are not alone…we are all ungraceful on occasion!

  7. Sorry to hear about your fall, and best of all you were not badly hurt. I've had many falls, and I have to say, it makes a great story -- a fall that is (that is assuming you've only got minor injures). Good luck on NO MORE FALLS.

  8. Thanks Lauren! I'll try to stay on my feet!!!


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