August 14, 2010

Running Naked!

I ran NAKED through the woods of the Northshore Trail this morning. No, I haven't totally lost my mind... I just mean something different than you might be thinking! Let me explain.

If you have been following my posts you will know that I have been obsessed with gadgets and stuff to support my running. Blackberry, Garmin watch, music, headphones, water belt, gels, cablebak, sweat bands, weighing myself before and after a run, tracking, recording, more tracking, and so on, and so on. It gets a little overwhelming after a while. Well, when I woke up this morning I decided to strip myself of all the nonessential stuff and just run naked.

When I arrived at the trail I only had on my shoes, socks, and shorts. That's it. Nothing else. I ran 3 or 4 miles (not really sure how far or how long because no measuring devices!!!) and I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable runs I have had since I started this little journey. I LOVED it! It was... liberating! Yea, that's it... LIBERATING! I'm sure a few of the other runners I saw on the trail would have preferred that I had kept my shirt on... but hey, that's their problem, not mine!!!

Maybe I'll try barefoot next... or not.

Do you like to run naked? Or do you GOTTA have those gadgets?


  1. I usually wear my basic Chronograph Timex, but I have "run naked" before too, and it's a liberating feeling. It makes you just appreciate the run itself, and allows you to forget about the training, mileage, time -- all the stuff that we usually drag out there with us.

    It sounds like you're joking about running barefoot, but if you can find a decent open field of grass, I'd give it a shot. If you enjoyed this experience, I think you'll also enjoy running barefoot. Start small though, 1/2 mile or so, or some striders.

  2. I agree, try running without shoes. Very liberating experience. Sometimes we have to eliminate all distractions and just hit the road (or trail). Nice blog, man!

  3. Coincidentally, I've just done my last two runs w/o watch, iPhone, music. Feels good - always used to run that way. As Dave says it's liberating, while also allowing a new focus on stride, technique and the run itself.
    Look forward to your updates Thomas.

  4. I did that once. It still bothers me that I have no idea how far I went. I love me some gadgets. ;)

  5. Nice Post. I believe that RW posted something on wearing a shirt whilst running a few issues back. Running Naked? Sometimes its okay, but I am obsessed with stats. Every now and then, I will run just to run. It depends. Barefoot? ..........don't get me started on that. I hear it's the new fad for most, and the rest just want to act like cave men I guess.

  6. Hi there, I think it is important to do just that once in a while - to reconnect with the plain old joy of running. I listen to stuff when I am training running (music/podcasts) but not when I am at intervals or races. Different. I don't want to get reliant on music in case I am at a race that really enforces the "no earbuds" thing. I have never had a Garmin, just a plain old watch, and although I would probably get reliant on all that info, which could be a negative, I would really like to have some of the metrics it provides and to know how my heart rate is changing as my training increases.

  7. You know you truly love running when you don't require any gadgets to do it. Running naked is a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with yourself, your surrounding, and to be mindful.

    Gotta run.

  8. I agree. It's nice to feel the nature as they are and be just as you are in there.

  9. I love to run "naked" too. Talk about freedom! I also like heading off with no idea where I'm gonna run. But when I get home I always, always measure the run using Google Earth -- I just HAVE TO KNOW THE MILEAGE.

  10. The biggest reason why I don't do it very often is because I need to know how far I have gone..... I am like Lauren, even if I ran naked I would still need to measure it when I got home.

    I don't run naked often enough.

  11. Whether running, working or whatever, I'm a music freakazoid so I doubt I'll ever run naked. However I am more and more forcing myself to quit looking at my watch as often during the run and just enjoy the experience. Sometimes it's tough to do, but I'm working at it.

  12. I ran naked, as you describe it for the SF Marathon but I love to run naked~ as I would describe it: butt naked with hydration, nutrition, technology and iTunes sans shorts and a shirt just shoes.


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